Master of Fine Arts, Painting + Drawing, Ohio University, Athens OH, 2017
(Studied with: Julie Dummermuth, Lori Esposito, Robert Peppers, Mellissa Havilland, Karla Hackenmiller, Tom Bartel, David LaPalombara)
Bachelor of Arts, Educational Media, Rio Grande University, Rio Grande OH, 1985
Columbus College Art and Design, Columbus OH, 1970-1972
Graduate Appointment, Ohio University, 2015, 2016, 2017
Teaching Assistant, Ohio University 2015, 2016, 2017
Athens Municipal Arts Commission, Outside The Box, $500 honorarium awarded for artwork applied onto vinyl wraps to cover traffic control boxes, Athens, Ohio. 2015
Biological Illustrator/Graphic Artist, Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, Ohio, 1988-2014.
Media Services Manager and Recording Studio Assistant, Lenoir-Ryhne College, Hickory, NC. (Video/Audio/Editor/Stage Set/Lighting). 1985-1987
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Invitation or Visiting Artist)
Creative Patches & Jewelry from recycled fabrics and beads/instructor. Arts West Community Arts Center, Athens OH, 2018
Bayou Tapestry Embroidery/instructor, The Dairy Barn Art Center, Athens OH, 2018
Photo Transfer techniques/instructor/The Dairy Barn Art Center, Athens OH, 2017
Eco Dying Workshop/instructor, The Dairy Barn Art Center, Athens OH, 2017
Art Encounters Coordinator, Kennedy Museum of Art, OU. 2015-2017
Noon Talk Coordinator, Kennedy Museum of Art, OU. 2015-2017
How to Create 3 To 10 Frame Animated Gif’s In Photoshop CS5 and CS6 Workshop’, Ohio University, Athens OH. 2015
‘Biological Illustration, Pen and Ink Techniques’, Introduction to drawing. Ohio University. Athens OH 2014
‘How to use OU-HCOM Power Point Poster Templates to Layout Scientific Research Posters.’ Yearly presentation (Presented to Summer Medical Research and Fellowship Scholars, Biomedical Graduates and Postdocs) College of osteopathic Medicine, OU, Athens OH 2006-2013
‘The Warp Weighted Loom, Construction & Use of Vertical Loom & Tools for 8th Century Textile Reproduction.’ Lecture, Demonstration and Discussion on spinning wool, ancient sheep breed and wool fiber types, construction and weaving on a warp weighted loom. Four day workshop, Private Studio. Toronto, Canada. 2002
3-week invitational, Open Air Iron Age Museum, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Invitation by Liesbeth Delissen-Lurvink, Museum Textile Curator. Study/Research/Public Demonstration of Iron Age textiles, Warp Weighted Loom Weaving. Public demonstrations and interaction with international public during daily hours of museum operation (professional study). Open Air Iron Age Museum, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. 2001
‘Introduction To My Art & Research Interest in the Extinction and Decline of Heritage Livestock Breeds of the US and the UK’, Mitchell Auditorium, Fine Arts Building, Ohio University. 2015
‘Art in the Service of Science’, Lake Side Laboratory, Iowa University, Milford, Iowa. 2015
‘Scientific Illustration for Research Publication: A Scientist and Artist Collaboration’. Dual Presentation presented to undergraduate art majors during the Mark Dion Exhibit, OU Kennedy Museum of Art. 2011. (Both Dr. Eastman (fish specimens) and I (biological drawings, anatomical sculpture, weaving tool collections) had ‘items and specimens' selected for the Mark Dion Installation and Exhibit).
Roy G Biv Gallery, Columbus OH, 2014-2019
Majestic Galleries, Nelsonville OH, 2014-2018
Starbrick Gallery Member, Nelsonville OH, 2004-2019
Guild Of Natural Science Illustrators, 1998-2014
Associate Member American Medical Illustrators, 1989-1998
Artist Residency. Majestic Galleries, Nelsonville OH. 2017
Artist Residency. Iowa University Lakeside Research Lab, Milford Iowa. 2015
Personal Research- Field Journals Sketchbooks from mid-1800’s-1950, Collections Archives. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland Ohio. 2014.
Multiple workshops sponsored by the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators,
Carbon Dust Technique on Film & Paper, Washington DC 2001
Silver Point, Washington, DC 2001
Field Sketching, Raleigh NC 2005
Water Color And Color Pencil Techniques For Floral Illustration, Columbus OH
Field Sketching, Muncie IN 2010
Writing Books, Weekend Workshop. Cedar Lake, Ripley WV, 2001
3 week Intensive, Forensic Facial Reconstruction, Cleveland School of Art, Cleveland OH, 1998. (Studied with: Betty Pat Gattlif and Cleveland Museum of Natural History collections and mold making staff.
Scientific Illustration Workshop, Shoals Marine Lab, Appledore Island, MA, 1997
Field Sketching, Specimen Collection/Release & Drawing Preparation for Book Publication, Lake Side lab, Milford Iowa. 1995 (Okoboji Wetlands. 1996 by Dr. Michael Lannoo, Iowa University Press, Iowa City)
Multiple (large and small) classes taught on fiber and miscellaneous ‘arts’ - in State and Out of State (to many to list here individually). Classes were either one day or, 3-day workshops, 1995-2014
Class variety includes:
Knitting, Weaving (horizontal and warp weighted looms), Spinning (Wool, Alpaca, Cotton, Flax/Linen - growing, processing & spinning), dying fiber; Use and care of spinning wheels - Saxony wheel, Castle wheel, Walking Wheel; drop spindles - top & bottom whorl, Navajo & Northern European, supported spindle, Card/Tablet Weaving; Nalbinding; Bronze Age/ Iron Age hand sewing techniques; Bayeux Embroidery Stitches
Feather Light Sewing Machine Operation
Simple Ceramic Clay Hand building techniques (warp weighted loom weight consistency and spindle whorl types)
Medieval Leather Shoe Construction and Stitching techniques; Leather working, hand stitching, medieval leather tooling
Viking and Saxon (canvas) tent construction
Bone carving and implement making of the Bronze and Iron Age (spindle whorls and ornament)
Warp Weighed Loom Construction and loom weights
How to grow, Process and Spin Flax in Your Back Yard